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"Together, we bring solutions to the problems you face."

Meet the Team

Real people. Subject matter experts. Decades of experience.

What We Are

The C-Suite Your Company Needs to Execute and Achieve Results

Nicholas (Nick) D. Anderson

Founder and CEO

what we do

Clarify Strategy.

Catalyze Growth.

Drive Execution.

Achieve Results.

We help business leaders clarify their strategy and drive execution to achieve desired results. Combining our expertise with your company’s vision, we will guide and support your leadership team to succeed in today’s competitive business landscape.

I have had the privilege of knowing Nick for ten years, watching him develop as a leader guided by values of faith, humility, persistence and service. He embodies the motto we share as Rotarians, “Service Above Self”. As he has retired from his leadership roles in banking and embarked on his path in coaching and leadership development, I am heartened to know that there are professionals like Nick who are continuing to serve and contribute to our world.

Russ Taylor, Executive Coach

Russ Taylor, Executive Coach

Nick coached me during a time when I was facing significant organizational change. His experience as a middle manager helped me realign my priorities. Nick took a unique approach to each session and challenged to answer difficult question of “What do you want?”

During our coaching sessions Nick guided me through multiple career negotiations. The economic outcome was a 30% increase in my comp structure. The tools I have developed from my time with Nick will help me achieve far greater than a mere 30% and I’m confident that I know what I want!

Nik Stice, SVP Commercial Banking

Nik Stice, SVP Commercial Banking

Eighth Avenue Advisors showed up for my company at a time where we really needed direction in our finances. In short order he helped us get clarity in the most important areas to tackle. Nick’s knowledge and expertise in finance and banking in particular helped us navigate through some critical conversations with our leadership team. He left us with a budget and forecast projections that put us on the road to financial health and prosperity! I would recommend Nick and Eighth Avenue advisers to any closely held business owner like me who doesn’t have a need for a full-time CFO but instead just needs the right amount of high-level expertise to point them in the right direction.

Casey Caston, CEO Marriage 365

Casey Caston, CEO Marriage 365

I hired Nick to put my new lead technicians through his course to introduce them to the fundamentals of leadership. We still have 1 more session left and they are wildly different people! My team is thoroughly enjoying each session and really leaning in to their new positions.

Josh Zolin, CEO Windy City Equipment

Josh Zolin, CEO Windy City Equipment

I have had the pleasure of working with Nick on a non-profit board of Directors. My experience with Nick was outstanding on all levels. He and his colleagues were both professional and personable, treating Cocoon House and myself as family, not just another client. Nick was always attentive to our needs, incredibly knowledgeable, and took great care of our investment. I look forward to working with him again and again in the future.

Cassie Franklin, Mayor, City of Everett

Cassie Franklin, Mayor, City of Everett

I first met Nick when I was recruiting him for the Wonderland Board of Directors. Nick was passionate about Wonderland’s mission and quickly began contributing to the agency’s success. He formed the first finance committee, analyzed our financial statements and led Wonderland through its first formal audit. Nick was instrumental in growing new revenue sources, developing financial policies and sound practices. He also planned and executed several very successful fund raisers for the agency. Nick always portrayed confidence and a level of maturity that allowed him to lead the Board first as Vice Chair and then as Chairman.

Jana Pettit, (former) Executive Director, Wonderland

Jana Pettit, (former) Executive Director, Wonderland